How It Works
Clocking In and Out
Discover the power of our exceptional mobile app for time tracking. Our app is designed with your convenience in mind, offering a seamless experience for clocking in and out. With just a few taps, you can effortlessly record your work hours and breaks, making time management a breeze. What sets our app apart is its intelligence – it sends you timely notifications for clocking out and ensures you stay compliant with meal break requirements

Clocking In

Clocking Out

Submitting Hours
How It Works
Editing Employee Hours
Effortless Time Editing: Take control of your records with our user-friendly time editing feature. Our platform simplifies the process of adjusting time entries, allowing you to make corrections or add additional information as needed. Whether it's a simple fix or a more detailed adjustment, our intuitive interface ensures that editing employee hours is a hassle-free experience.

Mobile App
Empowering your team with our worker-focused mobile app.
Our mobile app is designed with your workers in mind. It provides your employees with a user-friendly platform to easily clock in and out, manage hours, and receive essential notifications. Our worker-focused mobile app enhances their experience, making work hours and task management more accessible and convenient.
Meal Break Reminders
Avoid fees associated with missed meal breaks.
Our Meal Break reminder notification feature helps you and your Employees stay compliant with labor laws. We understand the importance of adhering to meal break regulations and have designed this feature to keep you in compliance effortlessly.

"They handle all my employee verifications, document manager, I don't have to worry about employee claims, onboarding, off boarding, payroll, W-2s - that's all them."
Mike Gromley

Franchise Owner
Eat The Frog Fitness

Manage Employees Hours
Effortless employee hour management.
You can seamlessly manage and edit employee hours with ease. Our user-friendly web app empowers you to oversee and make adjustments to your entire workforce's hours effortlessly. Stay in control and ensure accurate records with our comprehensive timekeeping solution.
Clock Out Reminders
No more accidental overtime.
With our in-app Clock Out Reminders, your employees will receive timely notifications within our app when they reach the 8-hour mark, ensuring efficient work hours and preventing accidental overtime. Stay in control and save on unnecessary overtime costs with our proactive notifications right in our app.

Customer Support
Expert Support and Training.
We're not just a time tracking tool; we're your partners in time management. Count on top-notch customer support and comprehensive training resources to help you make the most of our platform.